Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

The one parenting question I got asked 3 times last week AND my answer!

heart-based approach to parenting teenagers Sep 18, 2023

Hey there,


Last week, I ran 3 parenting webinars on helping children navigate big emotions. I had lots of people make it out, and we had some great Q&A! But one question came up in every session I ran. That's what led me to make this week's video:



So obviously I'm not going to say, "Yes, it's too late. What a shame. You had your chance with that kid, and you blew it. Hope you do better with the next one."


But can we be real here? Sometimes we parent that way.


If you're new to using a heart-based approach to parenting and your children are a little older, especially teenagers, you may think, "I wish I would have know this stuff sooner. It might have made a difference."


I've heard this same sentiment not just in the last 3 parenting webinars I ran but also with families of teenagers who I've coached as well.


I get it. We all want to do our best in raising our children, and when our children get a little older, it's natural to see ways we could have done things better. But beating ourselves up and feeling guilty doesn't sound like it's from Jesus. Neither does throwing in the towel on looking to bring heart changes to our teenagers.


That's not what Jesus does with us. Think of how many followers of Jesus don't even get started really being used by the Lord until later in life. So if Jesus doesn't quit on us, we can't quit on our kids.


Don't get me wrong. Working with teenagers brings a whole new set of challenges. That's why in this week's video, I go through 4 challenges we face as parents when we start using a heart-based approach with teenagers AND 3 solutions as well. So if you're a parent of a teen (or will be one day), check this video out.


You'll be so glad you did.


All my best,



PS - There's one last chance to be at my free parenting webinar all about 3 steps to help children navigate big emotions. Go here now to sign up.




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