Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

Should kids get paid an allowance for chores?

cooperation demandingness Jun 19, 2023

Should you pay your kids for doing chores? Should kids get an allowance? How do you teach your kids to be responsible, develop a good work ethic, and see the benefits of hard work if you don't do an allowance?


If any of these questions have ever entered your mind (or if you've got younger kids and just want to be ready for later on when they do), check out this week's video:



As parents, developing responsibility and a good work ethic in the hearts of our kids is important. Being able to follow instructions is a related skill that is vital for success. But no one wants a kid who expects to get paid every time they are told to do something around the house. So what can we do to set our kids up for success while avoiding developing selfishness in their hearts?


Let me introduce you the the difference between a chore and job. Chores are household expectations and duties that are taken care of as part of being a responsible member of the family. Jobs are additional opportunities to contribute to the family by taking on specific tasks that parents have offered to pay to have completed.


Differentiating between a chore and a job is the key to helping kids understand that they have some responsibilities that are just part of being in the family while other jobs are opportunities to contribute while experiencing the benefit of earning money.


If you want to see how to start doing this in your family, check out this week's video!


You'll be so glad you did.


All my best,


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