Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

4 Needs of an Emotionally-Sensitive Child

big emotions emotional regulation Sep 11, 2023

Hey there,

You might have seen me starting to email a little more often about my upcoming free parenting webinar all about helping your child with big emotions. If you missed it, check out the info here. Once it's over I'll go back to my usual only once a week emails. So no worries.


But this email is my usual once a week email, and it also is focused on big emotions. Children who find emotions challenging tend to have 4 needs. What are they? Check out this week's video and find out.



... and when you do check it out, you'll also find some practical ways you can meet those needs and develop greater capacity for emotions in your child and family.


Sooo often, our children (both young and older) struggle with emotions like feeling angry, anxious, sad, and more. And also sooo often, we parents feel a bit flat-footed and are unsure of what to do to help our child grow.


Can we be real for a minute here?


Sometimes we parents hope it's just a phase, but it rarely is. Other times, we offer "helpful" advice like , "Come on, stop crying. It's not that bad." or "Why you gettin' so angry?" Then there's those moments where we get annoyed and struggle with our own emotions. Oh, we usually don't do this in public. We know better. And you better believe we don't do it in church. What would people think?!?


But the truth is, it's not easy raising a child who struggles with BIG emotions.


But Jesus doesn't do "easy". He does miracles.


Jesus wants to use us (Yes us! I'm just as surprised.) to reach our children for Him. He loves our children ... big emotions and all, and He thinks you and I are the exact vessels to use to help our children follow Him and spread His Kingdom to the ends of the earth. And if that means He needs to do some work on us in the process, well then, that's OK by Him because He loves us, too.


Ain't that so cool?!? I love Jesus.


So do yourself a favor and watch this video. You'll be so glad you did.


All my best,



PS - And if you want to check out that free parenting webinar, here's the link to that, too.


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If you're tired of battling with your kids just to get simple things done in family life, then this is the PERFECT parenting mini-course to empower you to build a biblical heart-based approach to working with your kids so you can bring about heart change that lasts.


Learn practical parenting tools and strategies that you can use right away with your kids AND learn how to tailor these tools to meet the needs of your specific kids.


It's worked for so many families and can work for you, too.