Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

Stop Kids from Fighting in the Car

cooperation correction Jun 12, 2023

 We spend a lot of time in our cars, and for too many families the car is filled with fighting, arguing, hitting, screaming, and more.


How do you parent in a moment like this when you are stuck behind the wheel driving?


That's exactly what this week's video is about:



In this video, I lay out a parenting plan that involves using 4 heart-based tools for making car rides successful. Most of the tools I show you are proactive and will help you establish some expectations and cast a vision for what a calm car ride can be.


But at the same time, we need some tools for when kids don't catch that vision and continue with the negative behaviors. So, I also show you 3 specific actions you can take to address misbehavior on the spot and replace it with positive behaviors in the future.


Here's the best part: Over time, these 3 specific actions actually work with kids ... yes, including your kids too.


So as summer gets into full swing and you're driving around to pool clubs, camps, VBS, and more, take a few minutes to learn some new parenting tools by watching this week's video so you can chart a different course on your next journey (see what I did there 😉).


You'll be so glad you watched.


All my best,



Grab your free copy of this video resource that I mentioned in the video and get started on getting kids to listen better.



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If you're tired of battling with your kids just to get simple things done in family life, then this is the PERFECT parenting mini-course to empower you to build a biblical heart-based approach to working with your kids so you can bring about heart change that lasts.


Learn practical parenting tools and strategies that you can use right away with your kids AND learn how to tailor these tools to meet the needs of your specific kids.


It's worked for so many families and can work for you, too.