Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

Dealing with Parenting Triggers Biblically

parental anger Feb 15, 2023

Can we be honest?


Many of us yell, scream, and lose it on our kids at times. We get angry because our kids are doing something wrong, disobedient, disrespectful, etc., and we react out of our gut instincts and emotions rather than respond with calmness and the peace of Jesus Christ ... and then we feel guilty and get mad at ourselves for dropping the parenting ball again when we promised ourselves we wouldn't.


If you said "yes" to even a portion of what I just said, then you NEED to watch this week's video.



It's not just kids who sometimes struggle with big emotions like anger. Us parents do as well. But Jesus has called us to live in a way that if our children follow our example they will live a life more like Jesus.


That's why we have to take this issue on fully and develop a better plan for responding to our kids in a way that addresses their sin while we remain calm in the process. We need a plan for change.


In this week's video, I walk you through how to develop that plan for a better way to respond to your kids when you feel like just yelling. So don't delay. I'll stop typing so you can scroll up and go ahead and start watching.


Get your FREE PARENTING RESOURCE Develop a Closer Relationship with Your Kid in 2 Weeks - https://bit.ly/2WeeksRelationship

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If you're tired of battling with your kids just to get simple things done in family life, then this is the PERFECT parenting mini-course to empower you to build a biblical heart-based approach to working with your kids so you can bring about heart change that lasts.


Learn practical parenting tools and strategies that you can use right away with your kids AND learn how to tailor these tools to meet the needs of your specific kids.


It's worked for so many families and can work for you, too.