Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

Can I fire my child for a job poorly done?

cooperation Jul 05, 2023

Hey there,


 After creating my last video about "Should I pay my child to do chores?", several parents asked me if it was OK to fire their child from a job if they were paying them.


Now don't go judging these parents. The truth is the majority of them want to raise responsible children who value hard work and understand their are consequences when they don't follow through. This week's video is my response.



Family life is the workshop for heart work in children (and in us too if we're honest). When our children are not finishing a job, it's typically because of one of three reasons:

  1. Our child is not sure what a finished job looks like

  2. The job is too big for our child's age or stage

  3. Our child does not have an adequate level of responsibility developed in their heart to accomplish the job


So what do we do in each of these situations? How can you respond with a heart-based approach to parenting when your child? And how do we do this while preserving relationship?


That's exactly why you want to check out this week's video!


All my best,



PS - 👉 Grab this Parenting Resource - 5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Follow Instructions


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